Price Guarantee

We provide written guarantees when we quote a selling price, not airy-fairy promises


Many agents provide inflated quotes to hook clients. Sadly, these agents
have little incentive to achieve their quote – because they still make a
healthy profit by selling at any price!

Clients who choose to sell with us receive a written guarantee that the
selling price quote is honest and accurate.

And what does this guarantee mean?

If the property sells below the minimum price quoted, you will be released from any obligation to pay our fees. If you elect to pay a fee then it will be at your sole discretion.

And that’s even if we’ve already invested our own funds in advertising and marketing your property.

This places all the risk and responsibility on us to perform, which is how it should be.

You can view and print a copy of our Price Guarantee click here.

Our commitment to ethics and honesty is recognised nationally. We’re one of the few agencies in Australia that is “Jenman Approved”. Only agencies that meet highest ethical standards have this certification. You can find out more about Jenman Accreditation here.


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