Private Inspection Protocol and COVID-19

24 Mar 2020


For many years, we have promoted private inspections for the benefit and safety for both buyers and sellers, and this is now more critical than ever and thankfully the government has put measures in place to stop all public open inspections and auctions. This is good news for both sellers and buyers!

For potential sellers who are considering selling their property in the near future, we can assure you that we have put measures in place to protect you and your home. We would be happy to discuss these measures with you, please feel free to contact us.


Private Inspection Protocol

We will follow and adhere to the Australian Governments Health Guidelines and ask all buyers, before booking an inspection time, what their possible level of exposure is to COVID-19 including;

  • Have you travelled interstate or overseas in the last 14 days?
  • Have you been in contact with someone who has a confirmed case of COVID-19?
  • Are you experiencing flu-like symptoms (fever, coughing, sore throat, fatigue and shortness of breath)?
  • Social distancing must be practiced by all parties whilst at the inspection
  • Use of hand sanitiser will be required upon entry and exit of the property (this will be provided)
  • For the safety of you and the vendor, we request that you refrain from touching surfaces unnecessarily whilst inspecting the property.  Disinfectant wipes will be available at all inspections.
  • If you feel unwell or expressing any flu-like symptoms (as stated above) at any stage PRIOR to the inspection, we request that you re-schedule for a later time.
  • Any documents you may require, can be sent digitally

We will maintain hygienic practices prior to and during property inspections including but not limited to regular hand washing and sanitisation. 

Thank you for your ongoing support and we look forward to providing you with a high level of service as we navigate this changing landscape.